What is anger? It’s a strong feeling of displeasure, hostility, or indignation that results from a real or imagined threat, insult, frustration, or injustice toward ourselves or those who are important to us.
Anger is an incredibly powerful emotion. It can destroy lives, tear relationships apart, and ruin a believer’s witness. But you have a choice. You can let your anger control you – which means you opt to suffer the consequences. Or you can release this debilitating emotion by forgiving those you feel have stirred your bitterness.
Anger hurts not only those it’s directed toward, but just like a boomerang, it returns to harm the one who lashes out. All of us experience this negative emotion now and then, but some people continually live with anger. This world has a large number of dangerous situations and individuals; you may feel your outrage is justified and that letting go somehow lessens the wrongs done to you. But hanging onto hostility is destructive both to your loved ones and yourself. To become spiritually, emotionally, and physically healthy, you must deal with the anger in your life.
How to handle anger?
- Identifying the source. If you don’t know why you’re resentful or angry, it’s important to examine your life to determine the cause of those feelings.
- Confessing it. You must acknowledge your anger rather than covering it up and denying the truth that there is a problem.
- Clarifying feelings. It’s essential that you understand what’s behind your anger. Perhaps it is due to hurt, fear, rejection, the offenses of others, or an unwanted circumstance.
- Dealing with it quickly. The longer you hold on to hostility, the more you justify its presence and defend your right to be offended.
- Replacing it. Instead of letting the anger out in destructive ways, you can use that energy to do something productive such as tackling a project, visiting your happy place either physically or mentally, or getting involved in a hobby to work out negative emotion.
Ask yourself: What impact has anger had on your life, both pro and con?
Word of the week: Displeasure – The condition or fact of being displeased or dissatisfied; annoyance or discomfort.
Speaking With A Purpose: “I help you bridge the gap between … Where you are versus where you want to be. “My ultimate goal – help you become a better you.”