Nothing makes a well-equipped combatant mightier than fearlessness. A successful combatant is one who knows how to fight and is willing to fight and challenges to the finish. What do you believe in enough to fight for to the finish - whatever that finish might be? Is it bigger than you? What Continue Reading
Why trickery
Honesty, what a word with a powerful meaning and an even more significant impact on your life. It means not cheating or overcharging another. It involves the absence of all trickery, lying, and deception by words, looks, and gestures. It includes sincerity, the saying what you mean, and the Continue Reading
Who are you?
Over time, there have been many doors opened for those trying to figure out both paternal and maternal ancestors. I applaud this hard and noble work, and because of it, many people have a better understanding of their ancestorial linkage. My friend and I were talking about the DNA Ancestorial Continue Reading
Your life will be?
The words, phrases, and stories you tell yourself will become your realities. Don't let your wondering and undisciplined thoughts hinder you from becoming the person you were put here to be. Don't look back five years from now, wondering what happened to the person you dreamed of Continue Reading