As a small boy, I asked my ma-ma why did people hate me because of the color of my skin? She said that’s just the way it is. I heard my ma-ma, but I was not satisfied.
The Bible and my God created all men equal. His word said He gave us, “Power, Sound mind and Love. When did hate come into the picture? It is apparent hate gained traction for man’s greed, a need for power, and control. By the way, man has neither power nor control – wishful thinking.
Be clear, “Change is Gonna Come.” Not because I said so, but because of what, “He said.”
I love myself and the man God has created; I also love my fellow man. I know my calling, cause, and destiny; what about you?
For as long as I say what I have, I will have what I way. For as long as I say what I don’t have, I will have what I say.
Listen, Read, Think, then Act.
Until next time,
Houston out!