There two public school systems in the US. The first based in the suburbs where wealthier jurisdiction and districts exist. The second system of public education resides in the poorer and rural areas where some aspect of diversity is non-existent.
There are gaps in resources between these school systems. Money matters in education – there is no other way to say it. I must say the differences in cost per pupil expenditures is narrowing but don’t be confused, the type of dollars (federal, state and local) will determine where and how they flow. Some of the gap closings is an optical illusion.
We must address new and creative fund sources. There must be a new focus on strategic planning, right-sizing, effective leadership, strong principle focused on the basics, restoring safety, disciple and backing up teachers who are determined to maintain discipline in their classrooms, focused academic curriculum for all students and school districts recruitment, support, and development of qualified teachers.
The above paragraph is short but powerful. It’s one roadmap that will get our school systems to focus better on preparing students for post-high school life whether it be college, military or work.
What other approaches do you think will help turn a public school system around.
We owe a better future to our youth.
I am committed to working where I am to do my part. Are you?
Read, Think and then Act!
Until next time.
Houston out!