An optimistic person seeks the best in others and situations. This philosophy will serve you well at times, and others bring great disappointments. However, in both situations, immense growth occurs – wouldn’t you say life is all about learning, growing, and getting better.
One must refuse to let ill will shape you into something or someone your not or don’t want to be. Situations and circumstances don’t shape us; we shape them. We all have patterns in how we think and what we do; real change and improvement come from changing these patterns. If you want real change in life, change the way you think and what you do.
Are you having a positive impact on the world, or is the world harming you? What are you willing to give to get better in life? Are you at a life tipping point (the point when everyday things reach epidemic proportions)?
“Ever changing times!”
Read, Listen, Think, then Act.
Until next time,
Houston out!