Learning may aid and accompany wisdom, but it does not lead to it. Only the choosing of wise thoughts, and necessarily, the doing of wise deeds, leads to wisdom. A man may be learned in the schools, but foolish in the school of life.
Not the committing of words to memory, but the establishing oneself in purer thoughts, nobler thinking, leads to the peace-giving revelations of true knowledge.
Folly and wisdom, ignorance and enlightenment, are not merely the result of thought, they are thought itself.
Both cause and effect – effort and results – are contained in thought.
Word of the week – Learning – the acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, study, or by being taught.
Ask yourself: How have thoughts caused different impacts on your life?
Speaking With a Purpose: “I help you bridge the gap between … Where you are versus where you want to be.” My ultimate goal – help you become a better you!