Selfishness, not only subsist in the gross forms of greed and glaringly ungoverned conditions of mind; it also informs every hidden thought which is subtly connected with the assumption and glorification of one’s self, and it is most deceiving and subtle when it prompts one to dwell upon the selfishness of others, to accuse them of it and to talk about it.
The man who continually dwells upon the selfishness in others will not thus overcome his selfishness. Not by accusing others do we come out of selfishness, but by overcoming one’s self. By eagerly striving to subdue the selfishness of others, we remain passion-bound; by patiently overcoming our own selfishness we ascend into freedom.
Ask yourself: How well are you controlling your selfishness?
Word of the week – Subsist – to have existence.
Speaking With a Purpose: “We help you bridge the gap between … Where you are versus where you want to be.” Our ultimate goal – help you become a better you!