Over time, there have been many doors opened for those trying to figure out both paternal and maternal ancestors. I applaud this hard and noble work, and because of it, many people have a better understanding of their ancestorial linkage.
My friend and I were talking about the DNA Ancestorial topic and concluded there was another topic equally important that would prove to be similarly or more critical Purposeful DNA. This DNA centers around who you are as a person. It’s powerful and mind-altering because it connects you better with the actions you have, is and will take in life because it’s who you are.
Now, that I have your attention, go to your favorite place, free your mind and ask yourself, who am I? How do I define me? Yes, you can be sure others identify you in a certain way, but that’s important. Do you and the world will open up to you in ways you never thought possible. Initially, this process may not yield your desired results and it will, with work, time, and patients. It’s worth it.
If you find yourself frustrated after working this process, reach out to me, and I will provide additional support.
Word of the week: Purposeful – full of meaning; significant.
Speaking With a Purpose: “I help you bridge the gap between … Where you are versus where you want to be.” My ultimate goal – help you become a better you!